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lactation and infant
occupational therapy services

About Me

Dr. Christine L. Kan, OTD, OTR/L, IBCLC, is an occupational therapist and a board certified lactation consultant who is passionate at helping parents breast or bottlefeed their baby through challenges. She specializes in lactation, reflux & food allergies, lip and tongue ties, and infant feeding therapy. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a doctorate in occupational therapy in 2013, focusing on feeding therapy. She is trained in Beckman Oral Motor Protocol, Infant and Pediatric Neurodevelopmental training (NDT), Neonatal Oral Motor and Assessment Scale (NOMAS), Neonatal Touch and Massage Certification (NTMC), and has her advanced practice in feeding, eating, and swallowing (SWC). She currently works part time as a neonatal occupational therapist in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and part time in private practice. She is the NICU therapist at Valley Presbyterian Hospital in Van Nuys, CA.


As infant feeding and developmental specialist, she is comfortable working with preterm infants, infants with tethered oral tissues, infants with allergies and reflux, infants with cleft lip/palate, and infants with complex medical backgrounds (failure to thrive, cardiac, chronic lung disease, etc). She is also familiar with down syndrome, clavicle fractures or shoulder dystonia, torticollis/ plagiocephaly or head flattening, neonatal abstinence withdrawal, and autism.


Being a mother of three children has also influenced her practice. Her children all had variations of lip and tongue ties and she understands the stress of ties and how it impacts breastfeeding. Her middle child has multiple severe food allergies, asthma, and eczema, and understands food elimination diets, itchy skin, and anaphylaxis. She hopes with her own personal experience and medical training, she can connect with parents, share their burdens, and support their feeding journey. 

Premature newborn  baby girl in the hosp


Lactation, Feeding or
Developmental Evaluations

Baby Assessment:

  • Whole body assessment including motor patterns, gastrointestinal, respiratory, sensory processing, tension points, muscle tone, etc. 

  • Cranial assessment for any flattening of the head (brachycephaly, scaphocephaly, plagiocephaly)

  • Oral motor assessment of mouth (palate, lips, tongues, cheeks, frenulum) 

Caregiver Assessment:

  • Breastfeeding/Milk Supply Assessment (latching, increase/decrease supply, flange fitting/pumping, going back to work, weighted feeds, nipple healing, etc) 

  • Ergonomic Assessment (wrist pain, back pain, etc)

  • Bottle-feeding/transition to solids

  • Recommendations on tummy time, orofacial sensory motor exercises, latching, pumping, positioning, milk supply, feeding schedule, etc.

  • Written report for you to give your care team and other providers

  • 75 minutes (1 hour, 15 minutes) 

  • Office Visit: $465

  • Home Visit: $550

Follow Up Treatments (Existing clients)
  • Follow up on orofacial/sensory motor exercises, tummy time recommendations, and updates feeding or developmental plan 

  • Learn bodywork for your baby through muscle trigger releases, infant massages, stretches for torticollis or plagiocephaly, hydrotherapy, baby ball time

  • Answers questions on new issues that came up since last session

  • Ongoing feeding/ breastfeeding/ lactation/ developmental support

  • Play-based therapy

  • Pre and post weighted feeds and weight checks

  • Ensures parents feel confident providing the doing the exercises, developmental activities, and recommendations

  • 45 minutes

  • Office Visit: $200

  • Home Visit: $350

Tummy Time
Support Group
  • Learn the basics of tummy time

  • Practice tummy time with other babies and with their family members

  • Receive support from each other in a small group setting

  • Max 4 families per group

  • Have fun!

  • Length: 45 minutes

  • Price: $35


Class Schedule

  • Tuesdays, 1-4months, 1pm

  • Fridays, 5-8 months, 1pm


Schedule an appointment

I look forward to meeting you and working with you! If you would like to make an appointment,  please fill out the information below which will be sent directly to my email and phone. Please provide a brief message of your concern and reason for referral. I'll contact you within 24 hours.

Thanks for contacting me!

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Resilient Lactation, Inc.

Christine Kan, OTD, OTR/L, IBCLC, SWC, NTMC

(626) 344-7505 (text or call)


Open Mondays, Tuesday, Fridays 8-3pm



1605 Hope Street, Suite 200

South Pasadena, CA 91030

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